Monday, August 24, 2015

May Meeting

Welcome to the Marys River Quilt Guild 
May Meeting 2015

Service Committee

Block of the Month

Show and Tell

The Program
Jill Monley -- Favorite Quilts and Techniques

May 28, 2015

Meeting called to order at 7:00 by Sherri.

Welcome guests.  One guest; One new member.

There is a card circulating for Lois Osen.  Her husband died on May 24th. 
Need volunteers for June set-up; and for take down tonight.
Carmen will be subbing for June meeting.  Sherri will not be checking her email.
Openings for next year:
            *Secret Sister leader
            *Raffle Quilt 2017 design/construction - organization committee
Committee Reports:

Quilts in the Garden committee 2016:  Need to pick the gardens this year.  Clipboard circulated.  Cheryl Jordan and Beth Rietveld are heading the committee.  Three categories:  help pick the gardens; help during organization next year; whatever Cheryl and Beth need done.  Sign ups for garden duty will occur next year.

Auction:  this month supports the JoAnn Cutler Hay scholarship fund.  There are 3 standing quilt frames that have been donated to the guild that can handle a king size quilt.  If you are interested, contact Marcia within two weeks; after this they will be donated to a local charity resale.

Sisters Quilt Show:  Marcia discussed taking quilts over to the Pharmacy in Sisters.  You can sell your quilts by donating 10% of your proceeds – so price accordingly.  Raffle quilt is displayed and we need volunteers to sell raffle tickets on Friday and Saturday.   If you are sending a quilt that is a repeat, make sure you fill out a new form.  We usually sell between $2-3K in quilts.  A great way to market your quilts!  Quilts can be dropped off at the Wine Vault or at the Philomath Fire Department by the June meeting.

Quilt County:  Library show is looking for 2-color quilts (Theresa V. coordinating); Bursts is looking for 24 inch quilts in the theme “temptations.”  (Peggy P. coordinating).  The brochure will be ready in time for Sisters Show.

Challenge:  still packets avail and plenty of ties to add to your packet.  Contact Judy J.

Marketing:  $610/718 tickets so far.  Many volunteer volunteer opportunities to sell raffle tickets.  It’s a lot of fun to “cajole” people to buy a ticket.  There are drawings for prizes at the end of the season based on your volunteer hours/shifts.  Contact Jo C. if you are interested in volunteering.
            *Sisters (July 10-11)
            *Coburg (July 25)
            *County Fair:  if you volunteer at the fair you get free admission to the fair and free parking (July 29-August 1)
            *sell packets (guild members have sold 29% of the tickets so far)

Round Robin:  Next meeting is June 15.  Cindy discussed Round Robin and has hand-outs available.  It’s a great way to get to know a smaller group from the guild.   This year there were 12 participants.
Workshop:  16 participants for tomorrow’s workshop with Jill Monley.

Program:  Karen Roberts, owner of the Quilt Loft in Albany will be the speaker in June. Karen started the Quilter's Eyebook club with Marilyn Hill in2008, and they finished their first book club quilts based on Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen in 2009. The book club currently has about nine members and they manage to read, discuss and sew quilts from a chosen book in four to five months time.  Karen and Marilyn will discuss the history of their book club and their vision for the future. They will be sharing many of the quilts made from their book club since2009.

Secret Sisters:  Jan now has two matching socks!  Birthday celebration in May there was a piñata that was filled with socks!  Wendy made sock cookies – not one matched.  This is another way to get to know a smaller group in the guild.  Need to be a member of guild and have the registration form to the new leader by the 10th of January (form on website).

Service:  We are preparing 7 quilts for Habitat for Humanity that are due June 15.  Show and Tell of quilts handed in this evening.  There are 4 quilts ready for a long arm; 1 to be quilted on a domestic machine already pinned; 2 quilts ready for binding.  Service meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at the annex from 8:30 – noon.  Please come join us.

Block of the Month:  Next month is the church.  Shelley used a flower to simulate the stained glass.  If you do this block, you get 2 tickets for the end of the year drawing.  72 BOM have been handed in so far.  Winner of this month’s blocks is Sharon H.  A suggested 12th block if you wanted to have a 12 block quilt will be posted on the website.

Hospitality:  First drawing – 2 fat quarters won by Cheryl Jordan; Second drawing – gift certificates from Bolts and Blocks won by Jean N.

Show and Tell
Program:  Jill Monley discusses her quilt journey and her passion for doing book quilts.

Next meeting is June 25.
Next board meeting will be virtual the week of July 2.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Lisa U.

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